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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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            • Work Order Details Overview
            • Assign and Dispatch Work Orders
            • Creating On Demand Work Orders
            • Completing PM Work Orders
            • The Notify Supervisor Flag
            • Missing Values
            • Finding PM Work Orders
            • Cancelling PM Work Orders
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          Help Section          

The Notify Supervisor Flag

The Notify Supervisor Flag:

Employees that have the PM Notify Call Attention option selected in their employee profile will receive an email whenever a work order has the Notify Supervisor flag added to it (contact Axis Portal Team for assistance with setting up PM Notify Call Attention at

During the last step of completing a work order, if users wish to have a notification sent to a supervisor concerning the work order, place a checkmark beside Send Notification to Supervisor (Example 1). Users can also mark a completed work order as requiring a supervisor's attention by opening the work order details and clicking the Notify Supervisor button near the top-right corner of the screen (Example 2).

Example 1 Example 2

Selecting Send Notification to Supervisor will send an email notification informing the supervisor that the work order requires review. Work orders that have a notification sent to a supervisor can be found in the Completed List and are tagged with a Notify Supervisor icon (), as shown below.

When a supervisor views the work order's details (by clicking on the title or double-clicking on a row), after completing their review and making any necessary updates, the supervisor can mark the work order as reviewed by clicking the Mark as Reviewed button near the top-right corner of the screen.

  • If users clicked Mark as Reviewed in error, users can undo this action by clicking the button again (the button name changes to Notify Supervisor).

Last Updated: July 30, 2015