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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Table of Contents
  • Home
      • Work Order
      • Setup
      • Content Manager
      • My Workspace
      • Document Library
        • Document Uploading
          • Individual Document Upload Method
          • Batch Upload Method
        • Permissions
        • Upload Folder
        • Ticklers
        • Notifications
        • Move/Copy/Delete Folders and Files
        • Emailing Files and Folders
        • How to Create Zip Files
        • Document Library Upload Limits
      • Communication
      • Reports
      • Lease Intelligence
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Batch Upload Method

Control Panel > Document Library > Click on Desired Folder > Document Upload

Batch Upload Method:

  • Steps #1-10 are the same for both Individual Document Upload and Batch Upload methods.
  • Skip to Step #8 if the folders you wish to add files to have already been created.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Document Library.
  2. First, a new folder must be created. To create a new folder to add the file(s) to, navigate to the desired existing folder on the left side of the Control Panel.

    Document Library Folders

  3. The contents of the selected folder will be displayed in the right pane. Click New Folder on the right of the Control Panel.

    Document Library Folder Contents

  4. Enter the desired Folder Name.
  5. Under Permission Settings, you can give access to the new folder to various Users Groups, Users, Buildings, and/or Tenants.
    • Click on the Users Groups, Users, Buildings, or Tenants tab.
    • Move desired Available Items to the Selected Items list using the right arrow.

      • If permissions for a folder are left blank, only Document Library Administrators will be able to view that folder..
      • Users will not be able to see the contents within the folder unless they have permission to those contents.
      • For more information, refer to Permissions.

  6. Click Create.

    Creating a New Folder

  7. The newly created folder will appear under the root folders in the left pane.

    New Folder

  8. To begin uploading documents, locate and select the newly created or existing folder.
  9. The folder will open, displaying its contents in the right pane.
  10. Click Document Upload.

    Document Upload Link

  11. Select the Batch Upload tab.
  12. Click Browse.
  13. Locate and select the .zip file from your computer or network through the pop-up window.

    Batch Upload Tab

    • The structure will be displayed in the Document Library exactly as it is shown in the .zip file (i.e. layout, folders, sub-folders, etc.).
    • If structure is preferred upon upload, the structure must be set first before compressing the folders and/or files into a .zip file.

  14. Under Permission Settings, you must give document access to User Groups, Users, Buildings, and/or Tenants by moving desired Available Items to the Selected Items list using the right arrow.

    • Unlike folder permissions, you cannot leave document permissions blank.

    Permission Settings

  15. Click Upload. The .zip file will begin to uncompress and upload the entire directory (i.e. both files and their folders).

    Uploading Screen

  16. When the .zip file successfully uploads, you will be redirected to the folder where you uploaded the documents where you will now be able to see the newly uploaded contents.

    Batch Upload Files and Folders

  17. Note:
    • If the .zip file fails to upload, ensure that the file size is within limits. Refer to Document Library Upload Limits for additional information.
    • If you accidentally uploaded a directory of folders in the wrong place, simply cut and paste the contents to the correct location. Refer to Move/Copy/Delete Folders and Files for additional information.

Last Updated: January 26, 2016