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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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      • Work Order
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          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
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            • PM Work Order Types
            • PM Work Order Lists
            • List Controls, Customization, and Filtering
            • Work Order Details Overview
            • Assign and Dispatch Work Orders
            • Creating On Demand Work Orders
            • Completing PM Work Orders
            • The Notify Supervisor Flag
            • Missing Values
            • Finding PM Work Orders
            • Cancelling PM Work Orders
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          Help Section          

Assign and Dispatch Work Orders

Assign and Dispatch Work Orders:

Work orders must be assigned and dispatched in order for work to begin. On demand work orders can be assigned when they are created. Scheduled work orders can be assigned when the Schedule is created. Work orders that are not assigned can be assigned from the work order lists.

  • Users can also reassign and/or reissue work orders by following the directions below.

Work orders that have already been assigned and dispatched can be found in the Issued List.

Unless users want to dispatch a work order early, work orders that have been assigned to an employee or vendor will be automatically dispatched if automatic dispatching has been enabled.

To assign and dispatch a work order, follow the steps outlined below:
  1. Locate the work order that needs to be assigned and/or dispatched. Users can use the list filters to assist with the search.
  2. Click on the work order's title to open the Work Order Details screen.

  3. In the top-right corner of the details screen, click Assign & Dispatch.

    • The exact options available to users in the Assign & Dispatch interface will vary depending on the number and type of work orders selected.

  4. In the window that opens, use the Assign To drop-down list to assign (if currently unassigned) or re-assign the work order.
  5. Select "Do not dispatch at this time" if the work order only needs to be assigned, but not dispatched.
  6. Select "Dispatch immediately" if the work order needs to be dispatched.
  7. Click Save to save your changes. This will also dispatch the work order if "Dispatch immediately" was selected.

Last Updated: July 30, 2015