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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Table of Contents
  • Home
      • Work Order
        • Property Inspection Checklists
        • Dashboard
        • Messages
        • Tenant Requests
          • Setting Up Tenant Requests
          • Using Tenant Requests
            • Tenant Request Lists
            • Adding a TR Work Order
            • Finding TR Work Orders
            • Updating TR Work Orders
            • The Workflow Tab
              • Updating Work Order Details
              • The Assign and Dispatch Section
              • The History Section
              • The Services Section
            • Schedule Tab
            • The Messages Tab
            • Updating Work Orders By Email
            • Estimates
            • Recurring Schedules
            • Messages
            • Billing Verification
        • Preventive Maintenance
        • Visitor Security
        • COI (Certificate of Insurance)
        • Property Inspections
        • Surveys
        • Search
      • Setup
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          Help Section          

The Assign and Dispatch Section

1.       The Assign and Dispatch section has two fields: Assigned To and Instructions. To modify this information, click the Edit link. A popup window will open.


2.       You can assign (or re-assign) the work order by either using the drop-down menu provided, or by clicking Auto-Assign. The auto-assign feature uses your routing table to determine the tradesperson or vendor that should be assigned to the work order.

3.       You can also add or modify the instructions that will appear on the work order. By default, this text will be identical to the Description field in the Work Order Details section, located to the bottom-left of the work order.



         Modifying the Instructions field does not alter the Description field in the Work Order Details section.


4.       The Dispatch Notes link displays any dispatch notes associated with the property or Request Type. Dispatch notes are not displayed on work orders; they are meant to help provide guidance when assigning work orders. To see the dispatch notes, move your mouse over the link; the notes will appear in a tool tip.

5.       If an assignment was made Dispatch Immediately will be selected by default. If you want to assign the work order but not dispatch it for the moment, select Do not dispatch.

6.       Click Save. If you selected Dispatch immediately, the work order will be dispatched.


Last Updated: June 02, 2011