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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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              • Policies
                • Adding a Policy
                • Editing a Policy
                • Deleting a Policy
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          Help Section          

Adding a Policy

1.       Click Add Policy. The COI Policy screen is displayed.



2.       Enter the following information:

         Policy Type: select a type from the drop-down menu, or enter in the first three characters of the policy type name and choose from a list of possible matches.

         Effective Date: click the calendar icon () and use the calendar interface provided to select the starting date for the policy's coverage.

         Expiry Date: by default, this is set to expire one year after the effective date. You can manually adjust this by clicking the calendar icon () and using the calendar interface provided.

         Minimum Amount: use the drop-down or manually enter the minimum dollar amount for compliance.

         Listed Amount: use the drop-down or manually enter in the actual dollar amount of coverage provided by the policy.

         Compliant: indicates whether the policy is Compliant or Not Compliant. The default setting is determined based on whether or not the Listed Amount is equal to or greater than the Minimum Amount. You can also select Waived if you choose to waive the requirements for this policy.

         Notes: enter any relevant additional information concerning the policy.

3.       Click Save.


Last Updated: April 22, 2011