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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
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            • Tasks
              • The Task Library List
              • The Task Details Screen
              • About Task Lines
              • Adding Tasks
              • Editing Tasks
              • Copying Tasks
              • Deactivating Tasks
              • Reactivating Tasks
            • The Schedules List
            • About Employee Available Hours
            • PM Work Order Dispatch Options
          • Using Preventive Maintenance
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          Help Section          

Deactivating Tasks

Deactivating Tasks:

In order to preserve work order histories, users cannot delete tasks, but users can deactivate them. This prevents them from being added to new schedules, but will still be issued for any schedule that it is currently associated with. Users will need to remove the task from currently existing schedules which use the deactivated task.

  • If necessary, users can update their schedules, so they no longer use the inactive task. While viewing a task, users can see what schedules a task is associated with by clicking on the Schedule tab; from there, users can click on the name of the equipment to view the equipment's details, where they can either deactivate the schedule, or edit the schedule to remove the task.
  • To see deactivated tasks, users will need to change the Task Library's filter settings to display inactive tasks. Once the inactive task has been found, users can click on the task's name to view the Task Details.
  • Users can reactivate previously deactivated tasks.

  1. Tasks are deactivated from the Task Details screen. If not already viewing the Task Details, locate the task in the Task Library list, then open the Task Details by clicking on the task name.
  2. From the Task Details screen, click Deactivate.

  3. In the confirmation window, click Yes. The task is now deactivated.

Last Updated: July 30, 2015