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Tenant Request Lists

Control Panel > Work Order > Tenant Requests


The TR lists can be accessed in Axis Portal by clicking on Work Order, then clicking on a specific TR list as shown below.



Each TR list displays work orders which fall under a specific classification or state in the work order life cycle, as follows:


The Outstanding list provides a general overview of all work orders that are currently outstanding and have not yet been completed. Please note that the Requires Dispatch, Escalated, and Estimates lists are subsets of the Outstanding list; depending on the specific status of a work order, a work order in the outstanding list may also appear in one of these other lists.


The Scheduled list displays all TR work orders where the Required date is set in the future.

         Requires Dispatch

The Requires Dispatch list contains work orders which need to be dispatched; work orders in this list may also require assignment before they can be dispatched.


This list displays all work orders that have escalated.


This list displays work orders which either require an estimate, or have an estimate attached to them.

         To Close

The To Close list displays all work orders where work has been completed but have not yet been closed. This list also includes a Pending Invoice column, which can be used to sort the list and group together work orders with a pending invoice.

         Billing Verification

All work orders which require billing verification are displayed in this list.


Last Updated: September 04, 2018