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3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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              • The Task Details Screen
              • About Task Lines
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              • Editing Tasks
              • Copying Tasks
              • Deactivating Tasks
              • Reactivating Tasks
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          Help Section          

About Task Lines

About Task Lines:

Task Lines are the associated steps of a task. Task Lines prompt the Engineer to make checks or take readings of equipment. Task Lines are included on the work order that is transmitted to the Engineer’s device.

If users plan on using this task with other tasks on the same schedule (multitask schedules), keep in mind that a work order with multiple tasks displays all of the task lines entered for each task. Therefore, users should make sure that tasks do not overlap and cover (partially or fully) the same maintenance to avoid duplication.

If data has been converted from another application, users may find that clean-up is required for Task Lines because task details are often interpreted as lines of text.

There are three types of task lines:
  • Reading
    Select this option if the Task Line requires a numerical reading involving the equipment, such as an inventory count. If users want to take a gauge or meter reading, it is recommended that instead of using a Reading task line that users add a gauge to the equipment, which can be included in work order schedules. This will allow users to more concisely display, edit and update the gauge readings they have accumulated over time.
  • Checking
    Select this option if the Task Line requires a checkbox to check on the work order. This is the most commonly used type of Task Line.
  • Text
    Select this option if the Task Line requires additional detailed information or instructions.
Last Updated: September 04, 2018