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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Table of Contents
  • Home
      • Work Order
        • Property Inspection Checklists
        • Dashboard
        • Messages
        • Tenant Requests
        • Preventive Maintenance
          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
            • Equipment
            • Tasks
              • The Task Library List
              • The Task Details Screen
              • About Task Lines
              • Adding Tasks
              • Editing Tasks
              • Copying Tasks
              • Deactivating Tasks
              • Reactivating Tasks
            • The Schedules List
            • About Employee Available Hours
            • PM Work Order Dispatch Options
          • Using Preventive Maintenance
        • Visitor Security
        • COI (Certificate of Insurance)
        • Property Inspections
        • Surveys
        • Search
      • Setup
      • Content Manager
      • My Workspace
      • Document Library
      • Communication
      • Reports
      • Lease Intelligence
          Help Section          

The Task Details Screen

The Task Details Screen:

The Task Details screen is accessed by clicking on the name of an item in the Task Library list. An overview of the various sections in the Task Details screen are detailed below.

  1. The Go Back button returns to the previous screen.

  2. The Task Details card displays basic information concerning the task. Users can click on the card to edit it.

  3. The Steps and Schedule tabs are explained below.

    • The Steps tab contains the Instructions and Task Lines cards. Users can click on these cards to edit them. See Editing Tasks for additional details.
    • The Schedule tab displays schedules that use this task, including the equipment the schedules are associated with.
      • Double-clicking on a row, or clicking directly on the Equipment name displays the Equipment Details screen.

  4. The Copy and Deactivate buttons provide the following functions:
    • The Copy button allows users to create a copy of the task. This is particularly useful when users have identical or very similar tasks to enter into the Task Library.
    • The Deactivate button can be used to indicate that the task is no longer in use. Deactivation preserves the task in work order histories and prevents new work orders from including the task. Deactivated tasks can also be reactivated. For additional details, see Deactivating Tasks and Reactivating Tasks.

Last Updated: July 30, 2015