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Billing Reports

TR Billing Reports:





Tenant Billing

Billable Hours


This report summarizes the work done as billable and non-billable hours. The hours worked are within the date range, regardless of the current status of the work order.

Data Sorting: Property, Building, Tenant, Resource Type, Done By, Dates.

Billing Analysis


This report shows billable services provided that have been completed within the date range as well as verified. The services are grouped by the month in which they were completed. A drill down is provided on the Work Order ID to view its complete details.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Dates.

Services Provided

This report provides a breakdown of the services provided per work order completed within the date range. Quantity, billable, and non-billable totals are summarized. A drill down is provided on the work order ID to view its complete details.

Data Sorting: Property, Building, Tenant, Trade, Resource Type, Dates.

Report Detail:

Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all services provided per work order within the date range.

Services Provided Summary

This report summarizes which months during one calendar year services were provided for completed requests. Choosing the Billing Summary shows billable and non-billable totals per month. Choosing the Unit Summary shows how many of each service was provided in each month. Clicking on a month or total header drills down to the Services Provided report to provide a detailed view of the chosen month or entire year. Any filter parameters chosen here will be passed to the Services Provided report.

Data Sorting: Property, Building, Tenant, Trade, Resource Type.

Report Detail: Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all services provided for the calendar year.

Tenant Billing Report

This report is divided into three sections and shows the services that have been completed and verified within the selected date range. The first section shows a Tenant Request Statement for each active tenant. All histories, services provided and billable amounts are detailed for each tenant. The second section shows the Tenant Billing Summary in chart and graph form. Only services provided and billable amounts are shown, grouped by tenant. The third section shows the Transaction Summary in chart and graph form. Only services provided and billable amounts are shown, grouped by Request Type. Click the Work Order ID to view complete details.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Dates.


Last Updated: June 22, 2011