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Management Reports

TR Management Reports:






Property Labor Hours by Month

This report summarizes all hours worked during each month for the selected calendar year. Both TR and PM hours worked are displayed regardless of the due date or the status of the Work Orders. The data is grouped first by property then detailed by resource. Click the property name to view the details of the work done for that property.

Data Sorting: Property, Resource, Done By.

Report Detail: Select the Show Resources checkbox to display all hours worked for the properties available during the selected calendar year, by resource. Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all hours worked.

Property Labor Hours by Week

This report summarizes all hours worked during each calendar week during the last 3 months. Both TR and PM hours worked are displayed regardless of the due date or the status of the Work Orders. The data is grouped first by property then detailed by resource. Click the property name to view the details of the work done for that property.

Data Sorting: Property, Resource, Done By.

Report Detail: Select the Show Resources checkbox to display all hours worked for the properties available during the last 3 months, by resource. Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all hours worked.

Resource Labor Hours

This Report Details all hours worked within the selected date range. Both TR and PM hours worked are displayed regardless of the due date or the status of the Work Order. Click the Work Order ID to view the complete details of the Work Order.

Data Sorting: Property, Building, Resource, Done By, Dates.

Resource Labor Hours by Month

This report summarizes all hours worked during each month for the selected calendar year. Both TR and PM hours worked are displayed regardless of the due date or the status of the Work Orders. The data is grouped first by resource then detailed by property. Click the resource name to view the details of the time taken for that resource.

Data Sorting: Property, Resource, Done By.

Report Detail: Select the Show Properties checkbox to display all Resource hours used during the selected calendar year, by property. Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all resource hours used.

Resource Labor Hours by Week

This report summarizes all hours worked during each calendar week during the last 3 months. Both TR and PM hours worked are displayed regardless of the due date or the status of the Work Orders. The data is grouped first by resource, and then detailed by property. Click the resource name to view the details of the time taken for that resource.

Data Sorting: Property, Resource, Done By.

Report Detail: Select the Show Properties checkbox to display all Resource hours used during the last 3 months, by property. Select the Show Graph checkbox to display a graphical output of all resource hours used.

Summary Statistics

Acceptance Time

This report shows Acceptance Time for Work Orders where the Dispatch Date is within the selected date range. The Acceptance Time is calculated as the elapsed time between the Dispatch Date and Acceptance Date. Click the Work Order ID to view complete details of the Work Order.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Trade, Dates.

Average Completion Time

This report shows the average business hours taken to complete Work Orders where the Date Required is within the selected date range. Only Work Orders that have Work Completed dates are included in the calculations. Completion time is the difference between the Date Required and the Work Completed date. Click the Work Order ID to view complete details of the Work Order.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Assigned to, Owned by, Request Type, Trade, Priority, Dates.

Report Detail: Select the Show Details checkbox to display all Work Orders used in the calculation of the average completion time.

Average Response Time

This report shows the average business hours taken to respond to Work Orders where the Date Required is within the selected date range. Response Time is the difference between the Date Required and Date Responded. Date Responded is the date when the Work Order was first marked In Progress, Delayed, or Completed. Click the Work Order ID to view complete details of the Work Order.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Assigned to, Owned by, Request Type, Trade, Priority, Dates.

Report Detail: Select the Show Details checkbox to display all Work Orders used in the calculation of the average response time.

Request Count Summary

This report summarizes which months during one calendar year requests were received, regardless of current status.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Year.

Request Source

This report shows which method requests were received by, within the selected date range. The sources are Tenant Email, Tenant Web Site, and Internal. The numbers for Tenant Email and Internal are broken down into Tenant Requested and Employee Requested.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Dates.

Report Detail: Select the Show Graph checkbox to display the request receipt methods, as a pie chart.

Request Source Ownership

This report shows the owner of requests that were received within the selected date range. The numbers are grouped by the source of the request - Email, Tenant Web, and Internal. The numbers for Tenant Email and Internal are broken down into Tenant Requested and Employee Requested. Cancelled requests are not included in the count.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Owned by, Request Type, Dates.

Report Detail: Select the Show Graph checkbox to display the request ownership information as a pie chart.

Request Volume Analysis

This report summarizes during which hour of the day requests were received, regardless of current status. Choosing a time zone adjustment converts all received dates to the single time zone.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Source, Received On, Dates.

Tenant Average Completion Time

This report shows the average business hours taken to complete Work Orders for Request Types. Only Work Orders that have Work Completed dates are included in the calculations. The variation from the Property Mean is based on the average completion time for that Request Type for the entire property. Completion time is the difference between the date required and the date work was completed.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Dates.

Tenant Average Response Time

This report shows the average business hours taken to respond to Work Orders for Request Types. Only Work Orders with response dates are included in the calculations. The variation from the Property Mean is based on the average response time for that Request Type for the entire property. Response Time is the difference between the date required and the date responded. Date Responded is the date when the Work Order was first marked In Progress, Delayed, or Completed.

Data Sorting: Property, Tenant, Request Type, Dates.


Last Updated: June 22, 2011