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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Table of Contents
  • Home
      • Work Order
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          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
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            • PM Work Order Types
            • PM Work Order Lists
            • List Controls, Customization, and Filtering
            • Work Order Details Overview
            • Assign and Dispatch Work Orders
            • Creating On Demand Work Orders
            • Completing PM Work Orders
            • The Notify Supervisor Flag
            • Missing Values
            • Finding PM Work Orders
            • Cancelling PM Work Orders
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          Help Section          

Cancelling PM Work Orders

Cancelling PM Work Orders:

Auto-Cancelled Work Orders
  • Work orders are automatically cancelled when the next work order from the schedule is due.
  • When work orders are created from a schedule, a cancellation date is determined for each work order, which is the due date plus one period. For example, if a work order is due on January 1, it appears in the list on December 15, because by default, the system displays it 14 days in advance. If it is not completed by February 1 when the next one is due to be completed, the system auto-cancels the one dated January 1.
  • Automatic cancellations are processed overnight.
  • Cancelled work orders are listed in the Cancelled List.
Cancelling a Work Order

Work Orders that are in the On Demand, Scheduled, Issued and Completed lists can be cancelled.
  1. Open the desired work order. See Finding PM Work Orders for more information.
  2. Click the Cancel button. This will open the Cancel Work Order window.

  3. In the Cancel Work Order window, enter the following information:
    • Date Cancelled (current date is the default)
    • Cancelled By
    • Cancellation notes (the reason the work order was cancelled).

  4. Once finished, click Save to cancel the work order. The work order is moved to the Cancelled List.
Last Updated: January 28, 2015