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3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
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            • PM Work Order Types
            • PM Work Order Lists
            • List Controls, Customization, and Filtering
            • Work Order Details Overview
            • Assign and Dispatch Work Orders
            • Creating On Demand Work Orders
            • Completing PM Work Orders
            • The Notify Supervisor Flag
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            • Finding PM Work Orders
            • Cancelling PM Work Orders
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PM Work Order Types

PM Work Order Types:

There are two types of Equipment work orders in the Preventive Maintenance (PM) work order system: Scheduled and On Demand. The majority of work orders used will be scheduled. On demand work orders are only created when there is unscheduled maintenance that needs to be recorded in the system.

Scheduled Work Orders

Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > Scheduled List

Scheduled work orders are generated regularly and are based on PM schedules. On the Scheduled list, the next two weeks of work orders are displayed. A longer time interval can be displayed using the filter options. Fixed-period work orders are automatically canceled by the system if and when they go one period overdue.

On Demand Work Orders

Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > On Demand List

On demand work orders are created in response to an unplanned need for equipment-related service. On demand work orders can be created before or after the actual work is complete.

When an on demand work order is created, it is displayed in the On Demand List. These work orders will remain on this list until it is completed or canceled. When an on demand work order is assigned and dispatched, it will also be displayed in the Issued List.
Last Updated: September 05, 2018