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      • Work Order
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        • Preventive Maintenance
          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
          • Using Preventive Maintenance
            • PM Work Order Types
            • PM Work Order Lists
            • List Controls, Customization, and Filtering
            • Work Order Details Overview
            • Assign and Dispatch Work Orders
            • Creating On Demand Work Orders
            • Completing PM Work Orders
            • The Notify Supervisor Flag
            • Missing Values
            • Finding PM Work Orders
            • Cancelling PM Work Orders
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PM Work Order Lists

PM Work Order Lists:


There are five lists for Preventive Maintenance (PM) work orders: On Demand, Scheduled, Issued, Completed, and Canceled. Users view work orders in each state by opening the associated work order list:

On Demand

Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > On Demand List

The On Demand List displays all work orders that have been created to handle unscheduled maintenance. On demand work orders can be assigned and issued at any time and are displayed on this list until completed or cancelled (they are then displayed in either the Completed or Cancelled lists, respectively). On demand work orders that have been assigned and dispatched are also displayed in the Issued List.

  • All on demand work orders are identified in lists with the On Demand status icon ().


Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > Scheduled List

The Scheduled List indicates which work orders are ready to be issued or scheduled for dispatch. This list allows administrative staff to review and make any necessary changes before the work order is issued; see Work Order Details Overview for general information on viewing, editing and updating work orders.

  • A floating work order cannot be issued if a previous work order is still outstanding for the same task; it must be cancelled or completed before a new work order can be issued.
  • Floating work orders are identified in lists with the Floating status icon ().


Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > Issued List

The Issued List indicates that the work order has been dispatched. Issued work orders can be reissued and reassigned. This can be useful in the event of staff turnover or staff workload issues.
  • Reissuing a work order does not delete or "pull back" the previously issued work order, resulting in two electronic copies in the system. In cases where re-issuing is performed from one active tradesperson to another, have the engineer manually delete the work order from their device (only applies to email and RIM devices).


Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > Completed List

The Completed List displays completed work orders. Work orders remain in the Completed List for 45 days from the date of completion. Flags for missing values are also displayed on this list (see Missing Values for more information). A list of Completed work orders is available via the PM Work Orders report.

To access the PM Work Orders report, log into the Axis Control Panel at, hover over Reports, and click on Work Order Reports.

The PM Work Orders report can be found by expanding the Lists folder under the Preventive Maintenance folder.

  • Completed work orders that require review form a supervisor will be marked with the Notify Supervisor status icon () and are not cleared form the completed list until this flag is removed. For additional details, see The Notify Supervisor Flag.


Control Panel > Work Order > Preventive Maintenance > Cancelled List

The Cancelled List shows all work orders that were cancelled in the last 45 days. Work orders that are Ready, Issued, or Completed can be manually cancelled. For example, users may need to manually cancel a work order if the schedule needs to be made inactive, or if equipment is out for repair.
Last Updated: September 05, 2018