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Help Section
3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Table of Contents
  • Home
      • Work Order
        • Property Inspection Checklists
        • Dashboard
        • Messages
        • Tenant Requests
        • Preventive Maintenance
          • Setting Up Preventive Maintenance
            • Equipment
              • The Equipment List
              • The Equipment Details Screen
              • Adding Equipment
              • Editing Equipment
              • Deactivating Equipment
              • Reactivating Equipment
              • Adding a Schedule
              • Editing a Schedule
              • Copying a Schedule
              • Previewing a Schedule
              • Deactivating a Schedule
              • Reactivating a Schedule
              • The Gauges Tab
              • The Attachments Tab
            • Tasks
            • The Schedules List
            • About Employee Available Hours
            • PM Work Order Dispatch Options
          • Using Preventive Maintenance
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The Equipment Details Screen

The Equipment Details Screen:

The Equipment Details screen is accessed by clicking on the name of an equipment record in the Equipment list. The Equipment Details screen allows users to view all information related to a piece of equipment, including:

  • Basic information such as serial number, make and model.
  • Equipment location.
  • Additional details related to the operation of the equipment, including online references.
  • All maintenance schedules associated with the equipment.
  • A history of all work orders associated with the equipment.
  • Gauges and gauge readings.
  • Any other file attachments associated with the equipment.

Basic, commonly referenced information is displayed as a series of virtual cards on the left side of the work order details; users can edit equipment by clicking on these cards. For additional details on editing this information, see Editing Equipment.
  1. The Go Back button returns to the previous screen.

  2. The Equipment Information card displays general information concerning the equipment: Name, System, Make, Model, Asset/Tag #, Serial Number, and Warranty Expiry.

  3. The Location card indicates the location where the equipment resides: Property, Building, Floor, and Suite.

  4. The Details card displays additional notes concerning the physical description, layout, or equipment specifications, which could not be conveyed using the standard fields provided in the Equipment Information card.

  5. The References card contains external links (hyperlinks/URLs) related to the equipment, such as installation guides or maintenance manuals.

  6. The Schedules, Work Orders, Gauges, and Attachments tabs are detailed below.
    • The Schedules tab displays all scheduled tasks associated with the equipment
      • The Add Schedule button allows users to create a new work order schedule. See Adding a Schedule for more details.
      • Users can copy a schedule between pieces of equipment on the same property. See Copying a Schedule for more details.
      • Users can use the drop-down menus on the right to filter the list of schedules by schedule name, or by status (Active, Inactive, All Statuses).
      • Users can preview the work orders that will be generated by this schedule over the next 12 months by clicking the Preview link, located next to the Frequency field for the schedule's base task. See Previewing a Schedule for more details.
      • Users can edit a schedule by clicking on the schedule. See Editing a Schedule for more details.
      • Users can also deactivate (or reactivate previously deactivated) schedules. For additional information, see Deactivating a Schedule and Reactivating a Schedule.

    • The Work Orders tab displays a history of generated work orders and their status.
      • Click on an ID number to display the work order's details.

    • The Gauges tab shows collected gauge data (if one or more gauges are associated with the equipment).
      • On the left side, click on a gauge to display its readings on the right.
        • Hover your mouse over the graph to view detailed information concerning the plot lines on the graph.
      • The Show Readings drop-down list allows users to select the number of recent readings to display.
      • The Show/Hide Marker button () can be used to show or hide the graph’s plot points.
      • The Show/Hide Label button () can be used to show or hide the numbers displayed on the graph line.
      • The Graph tab at the bottom of the screen (selected by default) displays a graph of the gauge readings.
      • The Readings tab (to the right of the Graph tab) displays a list of all gauge readings taken. Users can add, edit, or delete gauge readings; see The Gauges Tab for additional details.

    • The Attachments tab displays a list of any files (such as MS Word documents, pictures, or PDF files). Users can view, add, and delete attachments in this interface. For additional details, see The Attachments Tab.

  7. The Copy and Deactivate buttons located at the top-right provide the following functions:

    • The Copy button allows users to create a copy of the equipment currently displayed. This is particularly useful when users have identical or very similar pieces of equipment to enter in the Equipment list.
    • The Deactivate button can be used to indicate that the equipment is no longer in use. Deactivation preserves the work order history for the equipment and prevents new work orders from being generated for it. Deactivated equipment will instead display an Activate button, which can be used to reactivate the equipment. For additional details, see Deactivating Equipment and Reactivating Equipment.
Last Updated: July 30, 2015