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3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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Survey Questions

About Questions:


The questions and choices you can add are designed so that there is a wide range of flexibility in the types of questions you can create. You can enter as many questions as you like with the only limitation being for the input choice style, where you are limited to up to ten choices per question.


Question Types:


There are two main types of questions:

         Choice-based Questions

         Text-based Questions



Choice- Based Questions:


There are three types of Choice-based Questions:

         Multiple Choice questions are composed of a text-based question with up to 10 different choices, where the tenant can only select one choice per question.

         Select Many questions are composed of a text-based question with up to 10 different responses, where the tenant can select up to all the responses provided.

         Rating questions are composed of a text-based question with up to 10 different subjective responses relating to Tenant satisfaction, where the tenant can only select one response.



Text-Based Questions:


There are two types of Text-based Questions:

         Single line text questions are composed of a text-based question with only one possible line of response by the tenant.

         Multiple line text questions are composed of a text-based question with up to 10 possible lines of response by the tenant.


Last Updated: April 29, 2011