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3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100
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Coverage Hours

Control Panel > Setup > Coverage

About Coverage Hours:

Coverage hours are the hours of operation for each property. Coverage hours are used in conjunction with the Work Order Routing and Escalation features and controls.

Work Order Routing uses coverage hours to determine request assignment based on the time the request is required. The Escalation feature uses coverage hours to determine when to start and stop accumulating escalation time. Some reports also list response time in coverage hours.


Shifts determine the coverage hours. Coverage hours can be comprised of multiple shifts to facilitate management of properties with more than one shift in operation. For example, a common scenario is for a property to provide service for one shift on weekdays and for a second shift on weekends. Any number of shifts can be set up in order to best manage requests for each property.

  • Shifts cannot overlap.
  • Work orders can be routed differently for each shift.
  • Shifts cannot cross midnight. In such cases, create two shifts. For example, if a shift runs from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., create a shift from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and a second shift from 12:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Regular Hours and After-Hours:

All hours accounted for in the shifts that are set up are considered to be "Regular Hours." Remaining hours of the day that are not covered by shifts are considered to be "After Hours". Work Order Routing can be defined for after hours, if desired.

If a work order has been entered outside of regular hours (i.e. the request was entered after hours) and no after hours dispatch recipient has been selected, as defined in Work Order Routing, the system will dispatch the work order at the start of the next available shift.

For example, consider a new request submitted on Friday at 6:00 p.m., during which no staff members are available to receive work, as defined in Work Order Routing. Suppose that the next shift during which a staff member is available to receive work is Monday between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. The request will then be auto-routed on Monday at 6:00 a.m.

24-Hour Days:

A shift can be 24 hours a day by selecting the 24 hr checkbox when setting up or editing the shift information.

Property is Closed:

If the property is closed for a day, indicate this by leaving the Begin and End fields blank as well as making sure the 24 hr checkbox is not selected. The system will interpret this as property being closed for that day.


If the property will be closed for a holiday, or any other day, temporarily change the regular hours entries to accommodate this. On the coverage hours screen, simply delete any entries for that day and make sure the 24 hr checkbox is not selected. Be sure to change the regular hours back to the correct configuration after the holiday has passed.

The Unspecified Request Type:

If a request is submitted and a request type was not selected on the Request Entry page of the Tenant Request screen, the request will default to the Unspecified request type. The Unspecified request type can be selected by staff members or tenants when the type of work is unclear.

Unspecified requests can be assigned to an staff member just like any other request type. For example, all Unspecified request types could be routed to a specific staff member, so that they can then be assigned to the appropriate staff member.

For additional details, please refer to the Setting Up Shifts, Editing Shifts, and Deleting Shifts.
Last Updated: May 17, 2016